Technological Development Process of Emotional Intelligence as a Therapeutic Recovery Implement in Children with ADHD and ASD Comorbidity
The perception, empathy, expression and regulation of emotion have been recognized as the determining factors to everyday communication and psychosocial adaptation in children. Deficits in them can cause emotional and social problems and affect everyday life. This paper aims at investigating by reviewing the current clinical and empirical knowledge of psychoemotional and social development as much as emotional intelligence in children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) coexistence looking into the emotion recognition deficits as well as processing, reciprocity and emotional expression deficits noticing and characterizing these children mostly. Moreover they are considering and being studied the technical means and the ways that they could help in the development and growing of social skills and emotional intelligence. The results proclaimed that the therapeutic contribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be determinant.