Intelligent Cardiac Monitoring System using Virtual Instrumentation Techniques
LabVIEW, Micro-Controller, PCG, GLCD, FFT, NI-DAQ, DASAbstract
This paper describes the design of a portable, cheap and easy to handle microcontroller-based heart monitoring system using a Atmega32 model-based microcontroller and GLCD. The project is capable of detecting and distinguishing the normal heart signal from an abnormal one. A circuit was designed to convert the sound signals from the heart into electrical signals. The signal so obtained was then processed and conditioned to get a Phonocardiogram (PCG). The design considerations of this project are influenced by its target users. Its major application lies with medical practitioners in remote areas and army units in warzones where technical help is usually difficult. This project will facilitate a PCG read in such areas resulting in preventive timely measures being taken. This paper also gives solution to display the graphs and results on a GLCD which would further enhance the portability of this system.
How to Cite
Purohit, R., Sahu, S., & Kant, S. (2011). Intelligent Cardiac Monitoring System using Virtual Instrumentation Techniques. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 7(3), pp. 24–28.