Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing and Accessing Scheme for Zigbee Cognitive Networks
Arduino, Cognitive Radio, Periodic sensing, RSSI, Switching.Abstract
We consider a cognitive radio network that makes access to spectrum licensed to the primary user. In this network, the secondary user will be allowed to use the idle frequency channel of the primary user. It’s primarily depending on the proper spectrum sensing. If the channel is seems to be idle the secondary user can occupy the channel but whenever the primary user returns to their frequency channel they have to either switch to the other idle channel or they can wait still on the same channel till it free. In this paper we are considering a cognitive network with one primary user and a secondary user. Secondary user (SU) accessing multiple channels via periodic sensing and spectrum handoff. In our design Implementation is done by utilizing the concept of energy detection algorithm on specific transceiver model of 802.15.4/Zigbee based on Arduino board by analysis of RSSI values of Zigbee devices according to the distance. Also include analyzing of the sensing duration and finding appropriate threshold value for sensing based on Zigbee modems. Energy efficient design is being implemented by utilizing sleeping mode of the Zigbee devices.
How to Cite
Joseph, S. M., & P., V. (2014). Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing and Accessing Scheme for Zigbee Cognitive Networks. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 10(3), pp. 59–62.
Short Papers