Design and Implementation Digital Invitation System Based on Secure Hash Algorithm 3


  • Ismael Abdul Sattar Jabbar College of science, Computer department, University of Mustansiriyah, Iraq, Baghdad.
  • Hassan Kassim Albahadilyr College of science, Computer department, University of Mustansiriyah, Iraq, Baghdad.
  • Alaa A. Jabbar Altaay College of science, Computer department, University of Mustansiriyah, Iraq, Baghdad.



\Invitation System, Hash function, SHA-512 algorithm, Database, stego-systems.


Digital invitation system become one of the important systems due to the pandemic consequences specially in E-learning domains. The digital invitation needed to be secure enough for several reasons specially in the user demands. In this paper designed and implemented a digital invitation system based on secure hash algorithm which achieving multilevel of security. The first security level, that is the hash code generated for the digital invitation link used in the encryption process not only for the invitation date but also for the invitation time. on the other hand, the second security level achieved through out using the hash code as map for the hiding mechanism. The generated hash will be used for the data integrity as well. The proposed system evaluating the final stego-image as digital invitation using PSNR metric and the maximum value reach 64.28 while the minimum value reach 58.21.




How to Cite

Ismael Abdul Sattar Jabbar, Hassan Kassim Albahadilyr, & Alaa A. Jabbar Altaay. (2023). Design and Implementation Digital Invitation System Based on Secure Hash Algorithm 3 . International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 19(05), pp. 105–116.


