ResFCNET: A Skin Lesion Segmentation Method Based on a Deep Residual Fully Convolutional Neural Network


  • Mustapha Adamu Mohammed Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology(KNUST) and koforidua Technical University
  • Obeng Bismark Zhejiang Gongshang University, PR China
  • Seth Alornyo Koforidua Technical University
  • Michael Asante Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • Bernard Obo Essah University of Ghana



deep learning, fully convolutional network, image segmentation, melanoma, residual learning


Melanoma, a high-level variant of skin cancer is very difficult to distinguish from other skin cancer types in patients. The presence of large variety of sizes of lesions, fuzzy boundaries and irregular shaped nature, with low contrast between skin lesions and surrounding fresh areas makes it clinically difficult to detect and treat melanoma. In this paper, we propose Residual Full Convolutional Network (ResFCNET) skin lesion recognition model that combines residual learning and full convolutional network to perform semantic segmentation of skin lesion. Based on secondary feature extraction and classification, experiment was done to verify the effectiveness of our model using ISBI 2016 and ISBI 2017 dataset. Results showed that residual convolution neural network obtain high precision classification. This technique is novel and provides a compelling insight for medical image segmentation.


Author Biographies

Mustapha Adamu Mohammed, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology(KNUST) and koforidua Technical University

Mustapha Adamu Mohammed Holds an Mphil in Computer Science and is currently Pursuing his PhD in Computer Science with research focus on Deep Learning Applications in Cybersecurity and Biomedicine.

He is also a lecturer at the department of Computer science at Koforidua Technical University.He has authored a number of articles in reputable journals and also serves as a reviever for a number of reputable journals  


Obeng Bismark, Zhejiang Gongshang University, PR China



Seth Alornyo , Koforidua Technical University

Seth Alornyo (PhD) is a senior lecturer of computer science at the Department of Computer science,koforidua Technical University.He is currently the Head of Departmet. His research areas included Network and Cyber security .He has authored a number of papers and is a reviewer for many reputable SCI,EI and Scopus Indexed journals


Michael Asante, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Michael Asante is an Associate professor of computer Science at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology(KNUST),Ghana.He is the past Head of the department of computer Science at KNUST.He has authored over 50 articles published in reputable journals and serves as a reviever to many journals as well.

Bernard Obo Essah, University of Ghana

Bernard Obo Essah holds an Mphil in Statistics and is currently pursuing his PhD in data science.He is also a research assistant at the department of mathematics at the university of Ghana.





How to Cite

Adamu Mohammed, M., Bismark, O., Alornyo , S. ., Asante, M., & Obo Essah, B. (2023). ResFCNET: A Skin Lesion Segmentation Method Based on a Deep Residual Fully Convolutional Neural Network. IETI Transactions on Data Analysis and Forecasting (iTDAF), 1(1), pp. 4–19.


