Cybersecurity and Efficacity of Open Data Platforms


  • Besart Hyseni Southeast European University Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies Tetovo, North Macedonia
  • Lejla Abazi Bexheti Southeast European University Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies Tetovo, North Macedonia



Cybersecurityc of open data platforms, Efficacy, Data Protection and Quality, Republic of Republic of Kosovo public institutions


Cybersecurity is critical for protecting open data. Transparency and innovation are facilitated by open data platforms; however, concerns about cybersecurity and privacy persist. This study examines the role of cybersecurity in public institutions in the Republic of Kosovo to determine methods of safeguarding data integrity. The main aim of this study was to examine the role of cybersecurity in securing open data in public organizations in the Republic of Kosovo. The study aimed to identify optimal cybersecurity practices in the context of open data and provide a comprehensive overview of the implementation of cybersecurity measures. This study employed a structured and methodical approach to assess cybersecurity and the effectiveness of open data platforms in public organizations in the Republic of Kosovo. Results: The study provides an overview of the status of open data platforms in the Republic of Kosovo and highlights the importance of cybersecurity, data privacy, and data integrity. Despite the stated concerns, such as enhancing security measures and increasing user knowledge, it is evident that public institutions have made significant progress in securing and enhancing their open data platforms. It is suggested that institutions in the Republic of Kosovo continue to invest in cybersecurity, promote privacy protection measures, and focus on enhancing the quality of open data to develop in this sector. Furthermore, collaboration and coordination across institutions and government agencies are required to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of these platforms.




How to Cite

Hyseni, B., & Abazi Bexheti, L. (2024). Cybersecurity and Efficacity of Open Data Platforms. IETI Transactions on Data Analysis and Forecasting (iTDAF), 2(1), pp. 4–22.


