A Review of Blockchain-Based E-Voting Systems: Comparative Analysis and Findings


  • Rabia Fatih Hassan first University of Settat, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques Settat, Morocco https://orcid.org/0009-0006-0421-7858
  • Sara Arezki Hassan first University of Settat, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques Settat, Morocco
  • Taoufiq Gadi Hassan first University of Settat, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques Settat, Morocco




e-voting system, blockchain, decentralization, consensus, electronic voting


The emergence of blockchain has ushered in a significant transformation in information systems research. Blockchain’s key pillars such as decentralization, immutability, and transparency have paved the path for extensive exploration in various research domains. This particular study is focused on electronic voting, aiming to improve voting procedures by making better use of the benefits offered by blockchain technology. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, we highlight the potential benefits of blockchain-based electronic voting systems such as transparency, security, and efficiency. However, several challenges, such as scalability, personal data confidentiality, and ensuring robust identity verification, persist. Addressing these issues is necessary to unlock the full potential of blockchain-based electronic voting systems, thereby fostering the development of trustworthy election systems in the future.




How to Cite

Fatih, R., Arezki, S., & Gadi, T. (2023). A Review of Blockchain-Based E-Voting Systems: Comparative Analysis and Findings. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 17(23), pp. 49–67. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v17i23.45257


