Containerized Microservices for Mobile Applications Deployed on Cloud Systems


  • Jordan Jordanov University of Economics - Varna
  • Dimitrios Simeonidis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Pavel Petrov University of Economics - Varna



microservices, mobile application, public cloud, containerization, virtualization


This study explores the transformative role of containerized microservices in the sphere of mobile application development, especially within public cloud ecosystems. It focuses on how technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes contribute to improving deployment, scalability, and overall management of mobile applications, with an emphasis on containerizing backend services. We analyze their efficiency in streamlining deployment processes, focusing on how they improve the application’s performance and reliability. Additionally, we examine various alternative deployment strategies, such as blue-green, rolling, and canary releases, to emphasize their effectiveness in minimizing risks and facilitating smooth transitions in dynamic cloud environments. The study takes a comprehensive approach to achieve this goal, which includes a systematic review of existing literature, a thorough examination of relevant use cases, and an assessment of open-source technologies. Our findings reveal not only the practical benefits of these strategies but also their strategic application, offering important insights for software engineers and decision-makers. This study emphasizes the significance of integrating and optimizing containerized microservices in mobile app development to achieve more efficient, scalable, and manageable application lifecycles on cloud-based platforms.

Author Biographies

Jordan Jordanov, University of Economics - Varna

Jordan Jordanov is an Assistant Professor and a doctoral candidate in the Department of Informatics at the University of Economics - Varna, Bulgaria. His research interests include modern cloud services and mobile technologies. (E-mail:

Dimitrios Simeonidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Dimitrios Simeonidis is a PhD candidate in the field of Computer Science at the University of Economics - Varna, Bulgaria. He is currently working as IT Engineer in Thessaloniki, Greece (E-mail:

Pavel Petrov, University of Economics - Varna

Pavel Petrov is a Professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of Economics - Varna, Bulgaria. His research interests include distributed web systems, big data, and mobile computing. (E-mail:




How to Cite

Jordanov, J., Simeonidis, D., & Petrov, P. (2024). Containerized Microservices for Mobile Applications Deployed on Cloud Systems. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(10), pp. 48–58.


