Optimizing Attendance Management in Educational Institutions Through Mobile Technologies: A Machine Learning and Cloud Computing Approach


  • Nicolas Esleyder Caytuiro-Silva Universidad Católica de Santa María de Arequipa
  • Benjamin Maraza-Quispe Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8845-4979
  • Eveling Gloria Castro-Gutierrez Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0203-041X
  • Karina Rosas-Paredes Universidad Católica de Santa María de Arequipa https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4650-7432
  • Jose Alfredo Sulla-Torres Universidad Católica de Santa María de Arequipa
  • Manuel Alfredo Alcázar-Holguin Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
  • Walter Choquehuanca-Quispe Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa




Attendance Records, mobile, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing


The primary goal of the study is to optimize and streamline the attendance recording and monitoring process for learning sessions by leveraging advanced technologies such as machine learning and cloud computing. The methodology employed is based on the extreme programming (XP) project management approach. Throughout its phases, the entire implementation process of the application, from conception to launch, is described in detail. Firebase is used as the database manager to ensure the efficiency and security of student information and attendance records. Additionally, the Firebase machine learning kit is used to verify attendance registration through QR codes. The application was tested with fifth-year high school students from an educational institution. The user interface has been designed to be attractive, intuitive, and easy to use for both teachers and students. The study results demonstrate that the use of this application significantly reduces the time spent on attendance recording compared to traditional methods. There has been a high level of satisfaction and acceptance of the “ASYS” application among teachers and students. In conclusion, this study has successfully implemented a mobile application that revolutionizes attendance recording and monitoring in educational institutions. It harnesses the power of machine learning and cloud computing to enhance efficiency and the user experience.

Author Biography

Benjamin Maraza-Quispe, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa

Ph.D. in Computer Science. Research Professor at the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA), General Editor of the International Journal of Emerging Technologies for E-Learning (IJETEL). Provides consultancy in the use of Information and Communication Technologies in educational and organizational settings, as well as artificial intelligence applied to education. Conducts conferences and presentations on Information Systems and ICT in education at national and international events. Director of the Research Unit at the Faculty of Education Sciences at UNSA. Also involved in analysis, design, and implementation of applications and software for learning environments. Holds a second specialization in Computer Engineering and a Master's degree in Computer Science with a focus on Information Technology, Communication, and Educational Management. Recognized by the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) with several awards including the "Palmas Magisteriales en el Grado de Maestro 2008" and the first place in the National Competition for Doctoral Theses 2014, among others. Internationally recognized as the Outstanding Latin American Teacher 2023 in the Excellence in Teaching category by the PENSER corporation. Recognized by INTEL in 2017-2018 in the USA. Currently, has publications of books and scientific articles in journals indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science.





How to Cite

Caytuiro-Silva, N. E., Maraza Quispe, B., Castro-Gutierrez, E. G., Rosas-Paredes, K., Sulla-Torres, J. A., Alcázar-Holguin, M. A., & Choquehuanca-Quispe, W. (2024). Optimizing Attendance Management in Educational Institutions Through Mobile Technologies: A Machine Learning and Cloud Computing Approach. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(12), pp. 112–128. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v18i12.46917


