Using Digital Video Recordings in Class Activities for Enhancing Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflective Thinking


  • Wajeeh Daher Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baqa Al-Gharbiya, Israel
  • Nimer F. Baya'a Al-Qasemi Academic Collegle of Education
  • Otman Jaber Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baqa Al-Gharbiya, Israel
  • Huda Shayeb Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baqa Al-Gharbiya, Israel



— Reflective thinking, pre-service teachers, digital video recordings, IRIS-connect


Digital video recordings (DVRs) have become an effective tool in sustainable teacher education. In the current study, our aim was to investigate the impact of utilizing mobile applications for DVRs in classroom activities, designed to address misconceptions of mathematical concepts, on pre-service teachers’ capacity of reflective thinking. Two groups of approximately 10 PSTs participated in an education program. The participants learned as third-year students in the Department of Mathematics Education. Interviews and digital video-recorded observations were used as data collection tools. Deductive and inductive content analysis would be used as data analysis tools. The study showed that the DVR environment constituted a sustainable educational environment that supported PSTs’ development in writing reflections on their mathematics teaching. These results underscore the significance of using digital platforms for PSTs’ education, particularly for promoting metacognitive thinking practices such as reflective thinking.

Author Biographies

Wajeeh Daher, Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baqa Al-Gharbiya, Israel

Wajeeh Daher is a full professor in the educational sciences department at An-Najah National University and head of mathematics department at Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education. A significant part of his research focuses on the different aspects of using technology in education. One main issue focuses on the professional development of pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers in using digital tools to encourage school students’ high order thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking and metacognitive thinking. Other issues are concerned with the affective and social aspects of learning with technology.

Nimer F. Baya'a, Al-Qasemi Academic Collegle of Education

Nimer Baya'a is an associate professor in the mathematics education program of the graduate studies, pedagogical supervisor, and head of the ICT center at “Al-Qasemi” Academic College of Education – Baqa El-Gharbiah. He was also for 25 years the supervisor of computers in the Arab schools in the Ministry of Education in Israel. His research focuses on using ICT, digital tools, social networks, cellular phones, and programming in Scratch in teaching mathematics. Currently, concentrates on professional development of pre-service mathematics teachers in assimilating meta-cognition, HOTS, and creative thinking among their students.

Otman Jaber , Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baqa Al-Gharbiya, Israel

Otman Jaber is a lecturer and pedagogic supervisor at Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education. His field of interest focuses on mathematics, professional development of pre-service teachers. Recently, his research focuses on investigating the potential of the Augmented-Reality (AR) technology in learning mathematical concepts.

Huda Shayeb, Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, Baqa Al-Gharbiya, Israel

Huda shayeb is a lecturer, pedagogic supervisor and coordinator of innovative pedagogy unit in the ICT Center at “Al-Qasemi” Academic College of Education – Baqa El-Gharbiah. Her field of interest focuses on mathematics and professional development of pre-service teachers. Recently, her research focuses on collective discourse as a tool for developing mathematical and pedagogical knowledge of pre-service teachers.




How to Cite

Daher , W., Baya’a, N. F., Jaber , O., & Shayeb, H. (2024). Using Digital Video Recordings in Class Activities for Enhancing Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflective Thinking. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(13), pp. 20–36.


