Gamification in Mobile Applications: The Regulation of Children’s Course Games by Commensurability Education System


  • Pu Song Guizhou Lifelong Education Research Institute, Guiyang Preschool Education College, Guiyang, China
  • Guanggui Qi
  • Lidan Zhang
  • Peiti Li
  • Zhengli Chen



gamification, mobile applications, commensurate and incommensurate, self-expression


The nation’s education-related information reform is making slow progress in light of the recent significant advancements in information technology. Early childhood education informatization has become a crucial part of the national education informatization building, serving as the first link in the chain of lifelong learning. This paper analyzes the significance of using children’s games in the classroom and the significance of incorporating new media resources into children’s course games by fusing the benefits of new media resources for teaching in a real-world educational setting. The goal is to realize the gamification of early childhood education courses and strengthen the management and deepening of course resources. The study also shows that customer involvement serves as a mediator between a better brand experience and a consumer’s desire to make another purchase from the business. Subsequent interviews demonstrated that the following factors accounted for users’ motivations for using the app: rewards, competition, feeling of accomplishment, and knowledge acquisition; engagement and identity clarified how using the gamified application affected users’ attitude and loyalty towards the main service. In summary, our contribution advances the understanding of how gamified affordances can enhance consumer experiences by adding value to the focus brand that is facilitated by a third-party app as well as the gamified consuming experiences themselves.




How to Cite

Pu Song, Guanggui Qi, Lidan Zhang, Peiti Li, & Zhengli Chen. (2024). Gamification in Mobile Applications: The Regulation of Children’s Course Games by Commensurability Education System. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(17), pp. 4–16.


