Generative Artificial Intelligence on Mobile Devices in the University Preparation of Future Teachers of Mathematics




Generative Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics Education, Teacher Preparation, Mobile Technology, Educational Research


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of education. The possibilities of AI in education range from providing intelligent tutoring to facilitating computational thinking, a key skill in an AI-based society. As education systems around the world adapt to technological advances, the need for teachers to develop AI skills becomes crucial. This paper explores the use of AI on mobile devices to improve the preparation of future mathematics teachers. We acknowledge the need for teachers to be skilled in the use of AI tools to foster collaborative, effective, and ethical learning environments. We also provide a case study of our implementation of the generative AI ChatGPT in the preparation of future mathematics teachers at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Comenius University in Bratislava. After this implementation, we analyzed students’ opinions on the application of AI in selected areas. We present the results of this analysis and the implications for the practical use of AI in the university education of future mathematics teachers. Finally, based on our study results, we highlight the possibilities of the successful use of AI in different aspects of teaching and its temporary limitations, which are likely to be reduced by further technological developments.




How to Cite

Vankúš, P. (2024). Generative Artificial Intelligence on Mobile Devices in the University Preparation of Future Teachers of Mathematics. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(18), pp. 19–33.


