Optimization and Performance Analysis of Real-time Speech Translation Systems Based on Mobile Technology


  • Ning Yang School of Education, Xi’an Fanyi University, Xi’an, China




real-time speech translation, mobile technology, model compression, Connectionist Temporal Classification criterion, performance optimisation, parameter compression


As globalization deepens and mobile technology rapidly advances, the demand for crosslinguistic communication has been steadily increasing, making real-time speech translation systems a research focus. However, given the limited computational capacity and storage space of mobile devices, optimizing system performance while maintaining translation quality has become a critical challenge. Current optimization approaches for real-time speech translation systems primarily focus on improvements to model architectures and hardware acceleration, often neglecting a systematic study of model compression. This is particularly evident when handling real-time data, where achieving both high efficiency and translation accuracy remains difficult. To address these challenges, a model compression method based on the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) criterion was proposed, along with an in-depth study of parameter compression tailored for mobile applications. The research focuses on two key areas: first, model compression techniques based on the CTC criterion were explored to enhance the efficiency of real-time speech translation; second, parameter compression methods were investigated to significantly reduce resource consumption in mobile applications while preserving translation quality. The aim of this study is to improve the performance and user experience of real-time speech translation systems on mobile devices.




How to Cite

Yang, N. (2024). Optimization and Performance Analysis of Real-time Speech Translation Systems Based on Mobile Technology. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(23), pp. 57–71. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v18i23.52879


