Designing Module E-Complaint System Based on Geotagging and Geofencing
geofencing, geotaggingAbstract
The government initiative in the implementation of smart city concept is an effort in the management of a city. In the governance of a town, public service is one of the most important aspects. Improving public services requires public role because the society is the direct users of public services. One role of the community in improving public service is to provide information or complaint to the government. However, the media where the public reports such information has yet been optimum. Therefore, the researcher assumed that the public needs certain media as well as some support system where they can make complaints related to public service. The support system is in the form of e-complaint system installed on smartphones equipped with geotagging techniques to determine exactly where the complaint is made (location) and geofencing method to determine which territory the complaint belongs to. In this study, the researcher explained the process of designing module for geotagging and geofencing-based e-complaint system. Several experiments were conducted to find out the accuracy of these techniques. With 94% accuracy, geofencing was a suitable technique to apply. In addition, geotagging techniques using EXIF of a digital image was considered the most suitable technique for the e-complaint system rather than other geotagging techniques.
How to Cite
Basid, P. M. N. S. A., Tolle, H., & Ramdani, F. (2017). Designing Module E-Complaint System Based on Geotagging and Geofencing. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 11(3), pp. 113–129.