How Do Mixed Teaching Teams Influence Learning in IT MOOCs?
Gender, Lifelong learning, MOOCs, STEM, TeachingAbstract
The impact of mixed teaching teams on learning quality and the outcomes of diverse target groups in a massive open online learning context in the workplace is scarcely analyzed. Insights from gender studies on female role models, research on team teaching in computer science as well as digitally supported learning do not transcend these separate areas and are therefore of restricted explanatory power. Accordingly, this session will answer the research question on how male-only and mixed teaching teams influence IT MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in regard to the proportion of female learners, participation in the discussion forum, and success rates. This study will be backed by the learning data gathered in the time of running two courses about blockchain with 14,000 learners on our MOOC platform openHPI with a mixed teaching team and a male teacher. The courses are conducted entirely online and are open and free of charge. All the material provided can be accessed from any device connected to the Internet. As our MOOCs in the enterprise context address not only employees, but also partners, students and other interested (lifelong) learn-ers we will include a closer look at learners’ socio-demographic background, such as career status, highest degree, professional life, and position. Additionally, we statistically analyze accompanying survey data using research methods in social sciences. Finally, our session will highlight and discuss challenges of mixed teaching teams in IT MOOCs and possible solutions to support gender diverse online learners in the workplace.
How to Cite
John, C. T., & Meinel, C. (2020). How Do Mixed Teaching Teams Influence Learning in IT MOOCs?. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 13(2), pp. 18–29.
ICELW Papers