Fostering Inclusive Recruitment Interviews with Intelligent Digital Humans

A Diversity and Inclusion Training Initiative


  • Fernando Salvetti LKN-Logosnet (Switzerland); LUISS Business School, Rome (Italy); University of Milan Bicocca (Italy)
  • Barbara Bertagni Logosnet
  • Ianna Contardo



Bias-Free Interviews, Diversity & Inclusion, Digital Humans


This article is about an intelligent digital human model enhanced by artificial intelligence, designed to meet the requirements from a multinational company in need of training for their human resources personnel on bias-free recruitment interviews. We have been creating a new generation of avatars with social intelligence, who are capable not only of presenting a wide variety of topics in a dynamic and engaging manner, but also of interacting with the audience and communicating emotions and moods. We have been customizing avatars for role plays, building them as real interlocutors who facilitate training in how to handle difficult conversations by including aspects such as non-verbal communication, different communication styles, and diversity and inclusion. Practicing conversations with avatars accelerates learning from experience without the risks associated with learning in the field. At the end of each interview, timely feedback is provided so learners can determine how to improve their performance. These digital humans are able to perform like realistic human beings, challenging the interviewer both at a verbal and para-verbal level, as well on the cognitive and the emotional levels – making it easy for the interviewer to get trapped into biases and false assumptions. The key message is this: diversity and inclusion best practices are first of all about mindset.

Author Biography

Fernando Salvetti, LKN-Logosnet (Switzerland); LUISS Business School, Rome (Italy); University of Milan Bicocca (Italy)

Founder and managing partner at LKN-Logosnet; Prof. at LUISS Business School, EMBAs; Prof. at Milan Bicocca University, MACSIS




How to Cite

Salvetti, F., Bertagni, B., & Contardo, I. (2024). Fostering Inclusive Recruitment Interviews with Intelligent Digital Humans: A Diversity and Inclusion Training Initiative. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 17(3), pp. 78–84.



TLIC Papers