Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Medicine: Collaborating with Extended Reality and Medical Simulation in the Metaverse


  • Fernando Salvetti LKN-Logosnet (Switzerland); LUISS Business School, Rome (Italy); University of Milan Bicocca (Italy)
  • Roxane Gardner Harvard Center for Medical Simulation
  • Jenny Rudolph Harvard Center for Medical Simulation
  • Rebecca Minehart Harvard Center for Medical Simulation
  • Barbara Bertagni Logosnet
  • Ianna Contardo Logosnet



extended reality, metaverse, cooperation, diversity & inclusion


Metaverse is a term used to describe a hypothetical shared virtual space where people can interact with a computer-generated environment and each other, and there are multiple metaverses currently being developed by various companies and organizations. Cooperation in the metaverse is at the core of the ongoing digital revolution that impacts the way we design and deliver overall education and training. Medical simulation is a powerful way to deliver education and training, based on the use of technology and other techniques to recreate clinical scenarios for the purpose of teaching and training healthcare professionals and students. This article is about how to involve learners in a metaverse within the medical simulation field. The key questions that we address are as follows: What is the metaverse today? What will it look like in a few years? How do we enhance medical simulation based on cooperation in the metaverse? How do we engage learners with diversity and inclusion?

Author Biography

Fernando Salvetti, LKN-Logosnet (Switzerland); LUISS Business School, Rome (Italy); University of Milan Bicocca (Italy)

Founder and managing partner at LKN-Logosnet; Prof. at LUISS Business School, EMBAs; Prof. at Milan Bicocca University, MACSIS




How to Cite

Salvetti, F., Gardner, R., Rudolph, J. ., Minehart, R., Bertagni, B., & Contardo, I. (2024). Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Medicine: Collaborating with Extended Reality and Medical Simulation in the Metaverse. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 17(3), pp. 68–77.



TLIC Papers