The Effect of Using Electronic Assessment Based on Mobile-Installed Programs to Measure Students' Tolerance and Discipline Characteristics on Jordanian Teachers


  • Khaled Ahmed Aqeel Alzubi Department of Basic Science Support , Faculty of Science, , Hashemite University P.O box330127, zarqa, 13133, Jordan



e-assessment, students' personality, tolerance, discipline.


The study aimed to explore the response of teachers in Jordan to the Electronic assessment based on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers based on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers based on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers of students' personality (discipline and tolerance) in Three schools that were selected to apply the electronic assessment to them in the city of Amman for the first semester of the academic year 2022/2023. This study relied on quantitative data in addition to qualitative data. As for the research sample, it was taken intentionally and consisted of (110) students. Data was collected through a Tukey HSD questionnaire and test. Quantitative data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, while qualitative data were processed using the Miles and Huberman technique. The The The results of the study reached through the research process of the study reached through the research process of the study showed that the response to the use of electronic assessment based on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers based   on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers based   on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers among teachers was very good. And now the use of Electronic assessment based on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers based   on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers based   on software installed on cellular devices, mobiles, laptops and computers developed the educational process.




How to Cite

Alzubi, K. A. A. (2023). The Effect of Using Electronic Assessment Based on Mobile-Installed Programs to Measure Students’ Tolerance and Discipline Characteristics on Jordanian Teachers. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 17(14), pp. 4–18.


