Development of PBL-Based GLOWASEA (Global Warming on the Sea) Educational Media to Train Critical Thinking Skills on the Topic of Global Warming


  • Farikhatul Mutma’innah Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Erti Hamimi Universitas Negeri Malang



Learning media, Edukit, Problem-Based Learning, Critical Thinking, Global Warming


The low critical thinking skills of Indonesian students in the 21st century indicate the necessity of training these skills to prepare for a future replete with challenges. Teachers need to innovate learning materials that foster critical thinking skills. This study aims to develop a PBL-based GLOWASEA Edukit media product that is valid, effective, and practical for enhancing students’ critical thinking skills. This developmental research was conducted following the ADDIE model, which comprises five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Qualitative data were obtained through comments and suggestions for improvement in questionnaires and interviews. Quantitative data were obtained from the scores on the validation test, practicality test, questions’ validity and reliability test, and pretest and post-test score data. Data were analyzed using percentage analysis and qualitative description. Successively, the results of media and material validation and practicality were 82.61%, 91.17%, and 90.62%. The effectiveness of Edukit media is calculated using the N-Gain formula, resulting in an average score of 0.33, which meets moderate criteria. It can be concluded that the GLOWASEA Edukit media produced is valid, effective, and practical for training students’ critical thinking skills.




How to Cite

Farikhatul Mutma’innah, & Erti Hamimi. (2024). Development of PBL-Based GLOWASEA (Global Warming on the Sea) Educational Media to Train Critical Thinking Skills on the Topic of Global Warming . International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(09), pp. 117–140.


