Enhancing High School Students' Future Thinking Skills through Interactive Digital Platforms for Teaching Energy Issues


  • Asem Mohamed Ibrahim Curriculum and Methods of Science Teaching, Faculty of Education, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia.
  • Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Farhan Curriculum and Methods of Science Teaching, Faculty of Education, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia.
  • Eman Wefky Ahmed Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt.
  • Ahmed Sadek Abdelmagid Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia.
  • Majed A. Al-Zahrani Physics Teacher, Riyadh Education Administration, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Nusaibah J. Dakamsih Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Languages, Jadara University, Jordan. https://orcid.org/0009-0000-2944-8114




future-thinking abilities, energy challenges, interactive digital platforms


In this paper, we investigate the potential of teaching energy-related topics to enhance secondary school students’ future thinking skills, including problem-solving, predicting, and envisioning. A physics enrichment program was conducted using the “Madrasati” digital platform in a semi-experimental design involving two groups of students (experimental and control). Utilizing a pre-post measurement approach, the study employed a novel instrument to assess future thinking across three distinct levels. The analysis, involving ETA squared, Cohen’s effect size, and independent sample t-tests, revealed a significant improvement in future thinking skills for the program group. These findings suggest the potential of incorporating energy-related topics and digital platforms into secondary science curricula to enhance critical thinking skills necessary for addressing future challenges. The study further underscores the potential of digital tools and innovative teaching approaches in optimizing students’ development of future thinking competencies.

Author Biography

Asem Mohamed Ibrahim, Curriculum and Methods of Science Teaching, Faculty of Education, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Asem Mohamed Ibrahim, is a Professor of Curriculum and Science Education at Sohag University. He obtained a Master’s degree in Science Education, 2005, Sohag University. He obtained a PHD in Science Education, 2009, Sohag University. Now, He works at King Khalid University. His current research interests are curriculum design, evaluation and development, science teaching methods, digital platforms, mobile learning, artificial intelligence in education, the joy of learning, social-emotional learning, STEAM education, scientific and engineering practices, science standards for the next generation, performance-based assessment.




How to Cite

Ibrahim, A. M., Al-Farhan, I. A., Ahmed, E. W., Abdelmagid, A. S., Al-Zahrani, M. A., & Dakamsih, N. J. (2024). Enhancing High School Students’ Future Thinking Skills through Interactive Digital Platforms for Teaching Energy Issues. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(09), pp. 4–18. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v18i09.48879


