Analyzing the Deep Learning-Based Mobile Environment in Educational Institutions




Mobile learning; Smart education; CNN algorithm; Enhanced interaction


More efficient instructional models that encourage students to engage more actively in their education are essential in today’s world. How information can be found and exchanged, as well as how explanations are delivered, have been shaped by technology. The outcomes demonstrate that mobile learning (m-learning) has enhanced collaboration among instructors and learners, provided immediate feedback, increased student participation and engagement, allowed for authentic learning and evaluation, and supported learning communities in higher education institutions. There was also a change in the teachers’ instructional methods. Students will benefit from simple learning activities, convenient communication, and coaching provided through mobile devices. This study recommends using a learning-based convolutional neural network (CNN) technique to improve students’ English-speaking fluency. In addition, communication between teachers and children in remote areas becomes easier through an interactive system, making both sides more accessible. As a result, it is advisable that educational institutions continually develop innovative teaching techniques that bridge face-to-face and formal-informal learning in the educational setting. The article discusses the background of mobile learning and how it might enhance e-learning as a whole. The m-learning approach is described in this paper as a future version of e-learning. In comparison to the next generation of educational systems, it will be extensively offered and simple to operate for any individual interested in learning. The article also discusses the benefits and potential drawbacks of mobile learning in current educational institutions.

Author Biography

Ahdi Hassan, Researcher, Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship: Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Ahdi Hassan

 He is serving as a Researcher at Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Commissioning Editor, IGI Global publisher publishes more than 300 journals quarterly and semi-annually, Researcher, "Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage", Austrian Academy of Sciences, and representative of Imperial English UK-A Trusted British Brand in English Language, Independent Research International [IRI] and Advisor Scholarly Journal Management.

He has been Associate or Consulting Editor of numerous journals and also served the editorial review board from 2013- to till now. He has a number of publications and research papers published in various domains. He invited as keynote speaker in International conferences more than 50.

He has given contribution with the major roles such as using modern and scientific techniques to work with sounds and meanings of words, studying the relationship between the written and spoken formats of various Asian/European languages, developing the artificial languages in coherence with modern English language, and scientifically approaching the various ancient written material to trace its origin. He teaches topics connected but not limited to communication such as English for Young Learners, English for Academic Purposes, English for Science, Technology and Engineering, English for Business and Entrepreneurship, Business Intensive Course, Applied Linguistics, interpersonal communication, verbal and nonverbal communication, cross cultural competence, language and humor, intercultural communication, culture and humor, language acquisition and language in use.


  1. Promoting Sustainable Management Through Technological Innovation-IGI Global Publisher- Published
  2. Federated Learning and AI for Healthcare 5.0- IGI Global Publisher
  3. Emerging Technologies in Digital Manufacturing and Smart Factories- IGI Global Publisher
  4. Lightweight Digital Trust Architectures in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
  5. Pioneering Smart Healthcare 5.0 with IoT, Federated Learning, and Cloud Security
  6. Human-Centered Approaches in Industry 5.0: Human-Machine Interaction, Virtual Reality Training, and Customer Sentiment Analysis
  7. Multidisciplinary Analysis of Digital Transformation and Global Market Dynamics

  1. Ethical Dimensions of AI Development
  2. Quantum Computing and Supply Chain Management: A New Era of Optimization





How to Cite

Hassan, A., Pathan, H., Kotamjani, S. S., Abbas Hamza , S. M., & Rastogi, R. (2024). Analyzing the Deep Learning-Based Mobile Environment in Educational Institutions. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(09), pp. 155–166.


