The Impact of Interactive Mobile Learning on Enhancing University Students’ English-Speaking Proficiency


  • Jiangyong Zhao Shijiazhuang University of Applied Technology, Shijiazhuang, China
  • Nannan Zhao Shijiazhuang University, Shijiazhuang, China



interactive mobile learning, university students, English speaking proficiency, learning behavior analysis, teaching innovation


In the context of globalization, proficiency in English-speaking is crucial for the academic and career development of university students. However, traditional English teaching methods often fall short in effectively enhancing students’ speaking proficiency. With the advancement of information technology (IT), interactive mobile learning has gradually emerged as a vital teaching tool, offering new avenues for teaching English speaking. By leveraging the convenience and diversity of mobile devices, interactive mobile learning provides students with a flexible environment to improve their speaking proficiency. The current study predominantly focuses on the integration of technology and education, but there is limited investigation into the specific applications and effectiveness of interactive mobile learning in enhancing Englishspeaking proficiency. Furthermore, existing studies tend to provide fragmented analyses of mobile learning interaction behaviors and their constituent elements, failing to fully reveal the advantages of this approach. This study aims to construct an interactive mobile learning framework tailored to university students’ English-speaking practice, analyze the interaction behaviors and elements within this framework, and explore its impact on improving students’ speaking proficiency. The goal is to enrich the theoretical system of interactive mobile learning and provide practical insights for English-speaking teaching in higher education.




How to Cite

Zhao, J., & Zhao, N. (2024). The Impact of Interactive Mobile Learning on Enhancing University Students’ English-Speaking Proficiency. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 18(24), pp. 130–144.


