Learning Portfolio and Proactive Learning in Higher Education Pedagogy





Academic development, Active learning, Assessment of learning, Blended learning, Bloom's taxonomy, Classroom design, Classroom management, Collaborative learning, Conceptions of teaching, Construction of knowledge, Co-operative education, Critical thinkin


Industry 4.0 requires highly skilled, sophisticated workers and entrepreneurs, and continuous training is essen-tial for them, and its scene is increasingly shifting to higher education. For this reason, higher education peda-gogy must go through continuous innovation. In this article, we present a model experiment of VET teacher training, which consists of a so-called proactive learning method and a portfolio-based evaluation process. In the pedagogical model, the student-teacher relationship focuses on the preparation process before the classroom meeting. During proactive learning, the student prepares for the lesson using ICT systems, gets to know his / her classmates, collects and processes data. By combining his impressions, his own written works, his reflec-tions during the learning process, he creates a kind of developmental history and work description, which is the actual portfolio. Portfolio as an assessment method is an integral part of the proactive learning model. Portfolio implementation requires a proactive learning model, and in this model, portfolio is the most appropriate as-sessment method. One of the aims of our experiment is to investigate whether performance measurement in higher education pedagogy can be carried out through portfolio-type evaluation. Another aim of our experiment is to examine whether the efficiency of knowledge transfer in higher education pedagogy can be improved through a proactive learning process.

Author Biography

Tamás Köpeczi-Bócz, Corvinus University of Budapest

Teacher Training and Digital Learning Center




How to Cite

Köpeczi-Bócz, T. (2020). Learning Portfolio and Proactive Learning in Higher Education Pedagogy. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 10(5), pp. 34–48. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijep.v10i5.13793



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