The Importance of Soft Skills for Academic Performance and Career Development—From the Perspective of University Students




soft skills, perception, students, academic performance, career development


In the present era, the importance of soft skills as a crucial element for personal and professional success is widely acknowledged. When hiring new employees, these soft skills are highly valued by employers. However, many students are unaware of the crucial role those soft skills play in their education and career success, hindering their progress in developing these skills. This study aims to assess students’ perceptions of the importance of soft skills for academic performance and career development. A questionnaire-based online survey was conducted, involving 968 undergraduate students from eight universities in Vietnam, to gather data. The findings showed that most respondents recognized the significance of soft skills in fostering positive relationships, career advancement, and securing desirable employment. However, students did not believe that these skills had a substantial impact on their academic performance. Communication, teamwork, collaboration, and time management skills were identified as the most critical soft skills for enhancing academic performance, while teamwork, collaboration, leadership, and problem-solving skills were considered pivotal for career development. Moreover, a significant portion of students perceived their soft skills level to be below the desired threshold, showing more confidence in skills they considered to be more important. Similarly, students tended to prioritize the development of soft skills that they perceived as essential to their personal goals.

Author Biography

Thi Thuy An Ngo, FPT University, Can Tho, Vietnam

Thi Thuy An Ngo is a Business Lecturer at FPT University, Can Tho, Vietnam. Her research interests are Education, Innovation, Business, Management, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Development (email:




How to Cite

Ngo, T. T. A. (2024). The Importance of Soft Skills for Academic Performance and Career Development—From the Perspective of University Students. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 14(3), pp. 53–68.


