Integration of GeoGebra Calculator 3D with Augmented Reality in Mathematics Education for an Immersive Learning Experience


  • Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Autónoma del Perú, Lima 15842, Peru
  • Cleoge Paulino-Moreno Universidad Católica de Trujillo, Trujillo, Perú
  • Henry Chero-Valdivieso Universidad César Vallejo
  • Karina Espinola-Linares Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Chimbote 02710, Peru
  • Michael Cabanillas-Carbonell Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima, Perú



Software, Augmented Reality, GeoGebra, 3D Calculator, teaching and learning.


The use of augmented reality (AR) with GeoGebra allows for the contextualization of mathematical operations in real-world situations. In this approach, the teacher presents questions or problems that students solve using visualization and experimentation software. The objective of this work is to evaluate the impact of integrating the GeoGebra 3D calculator with AR. For the development of this study, the quasi-experimental method was employed, involving the comparison of results between two groups: the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG). We worked with a population of 78 students. The study conducted confirms the use of the GeoGebra calculator in 3D with AR. AR effectively enhances mathematical learning. Seventy percent of the students in the EG achieved an outstanding level of performance, while 30% reached an expected level. In addition, a positive attitude towards mathematics was observed in 100% of the students. These results demonstrate that using the GeoGebra calculator in 3D with AR has a positive impact on mathematics learning. While in CG, 10% achieved the expected level of performance, 85% were in progress, and 5% were at the initial stage. Finally, it was concluded that the GeoGebra calculator in 3D with AR is very useful. It helps enhance the teaching and learning (TL) of mathematics and motivates students, making the development of class sessions more dynamic.

Author Biography

Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Autónoma del Perú, Lima 15842, Peru

Systems Engineer with a Master's Degree in Information Technology Management, PhD in Systems Engineering from Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal - Peru. ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service, Specialization in Business Continuity Management, Scrum Fundamentals Certification (SFC). National and international speaker/panelist (Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico). Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher in different universities in the country. Advisor and jury of thesis in different universities. Consultant in information technologies in public and private institutions. Coordinator, director in different private institutions. Specialist in software development, IoT, Business Intelligence, open source software, Augmented Reality, Machine Learning, text mining and virtual environments.




How to Cite

Iparraguirre-Villanueva, O., Paulino-Moreno, C., Chero-Valdivieso, H., Espinola-Linares, K., & Cabanillas-Carbonell, M. (2024). Integration of GeoGebra Calculator 3D with Augmented Reality in Mathematics Education for an Immersive Learning Experience. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 14(3), pp. 92–107.


