The Outcomes of Project-Based Learning System on Metaverse through Design Thinking for Buddhism Innovators


  • Kiattisak Sisamud Office of the General Buddhist Education 13, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Pinanta Chatwattana King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Pallop Piriyasurawong King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand



PjBL system on metaverse, design thinking, Buddhism innovators


The project-based learning system on the metaverse through design thinking for Buddhism innovators, or the PjBL system on the metaverse, is designated to be used as a tool to promote self-directed learning and Buddhism in Thailand. The PjBL system on the metaverse emphasizes the learning style that can develop the 21st-century skills, and the system relies mainly on the processes of project-based learning and design thinking, which are believed to bring about creative strategies for the development of new innovations based on new ideas. The PjBL system on the metaverse can be put into practical use in digital learning environments on the metaverse, which are capable of providing realistic and immersive learning experiences in such a way that users can feel as if they were in the physical world. The system also supports interactions, easy access to learning resources, and sharing of information, all of which are said to increase learners’ confidence and practical skills in using digital technologies. This study was carried out by means of pre-experimental research method with a onegroup pre- and post-test design, and the research results are consistent with all four research hypotheses. According to the observations, it is found that the PjBL system on the metaverse is considered a learning tool in the virtual world that Buddhist innovators can practically apply to create new innovations to promote Buddhism through immersive learning technology. Furthermore, the PjBL system in the metaverse can promote experiential learning, enabling users to acquire new bodies of knowledge as to their own abilities, find out new methods to solve problems, create their own works, carry out their tasks efficiently, develop different knowledge and experiences, and improve necessary technological skills needed in today’s era.




How to Cite

Sisamud, K., Chatwattana, P., & Piriyasurawong, P. (2025). The Outcomes of Project-Based Learning System on Metaverse through Design Thinking for Buddhism Innovators. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 15(1), pp. 56–74.


