The Nemesis E-Learning 4-Secotrs-Model - A Concept to Enhance the Reusability of E-Learning Products
The 4-Sectors-Model has been developed by the TU Berlin and is intended to facilitate providing customized e-learning products to different target learner groups, while keeping the same basic content. This is made possible by the independent development of user interface and content. The different components are assembled at the end to produce the final e-learning product. Software development is based on the Generative Learning Objects concept (UCeL). Further improvements based on results of the ongoing test phase will make the 4-Sectors-Model better adapted to fit user needs. Finally, this project is dedicated to establishing a high standard of didactic quality for the future development of e-learning software at the TU Berlin.
How to Cite
Dathe, S., & Hendricks, W. (2007). The Nemesis E-Learning 4-Secotrs-Model - A Concept to Enhance the Reusability of E-Learning Products. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2(2).
Short Papers