Improving the Teaching Ability of Dance Major Courses


  • Fubo Ma Art Academy, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China



To improve the teaching ability of dance major courses, special attention should be paid to the following factors: the completeness of the evaluation index system (EIS), the fuzziness and uncertainty of the evaluation process, and the reliability and accuracy of the evaluation. Considering these factors, this paper summarizes the connotations and essential features of the teaching ability of dance major courses, and explores deep into the factors affecting that teaching ability. On this basis, the authors created a series of improved EISs and constructed an improved model for the evaluation of the teaching ability of dance courses, drawing on entropy method and grey theory. The proposed model enables dance teachers to improve their ability to teach dance major courses. The research results lay the theoretical and practical bases for the teaching reform in the dance major of colleges.

Author Biography

Fubo Ma, Art Academy, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China

Fubo Ma a member of the Chinese Dancers Association and often serves as judges in various national and provincial-level professional dance competitions, a reviewer expert of social art education in Heilongjiang Province, a celebrity artist, famous choreographer, and influential dance educator and director (email:




How to Cite

Ma, F. (2021). Improving the Teaching Ability of Dance Major Courses. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 16(04), pp. 107–121.


