Object-Based Trace Model for Automatic Indicator Computation in the Human Learning Environments


  • Bernabé Batchakui National Advanced School of Engineering/UY1 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5287-4207
  • Thomas Djotio National Advanced School of Engineering/UY1
  • Ibrahim Moukouop National Advanced School of Engineering/UY1
  • Alex Ndouna National Advanced School of Engineering/UY1




indicators calculation, CEHL, learning traces, trace model, trace-based system, reuse of indicators.


This paper proposes a traces model in the form of an object or class model (in the UML sense) which allows the automatic calculation of indicators of various kinds and independently of the computer environment for human learning (CEHL). The model is based on the establishment of a trace-based system that encompasses all the logic of traces collecting and indicators calculation. It is im-plemented in the form of a trace database. It is an important contribution in the field of the exploitation of the traces of apprenticeship in a CEHL because it pro-vides a general formalism for modeling the traces and allowing the calculation of several indicators at the same time. Also, with the inclusion of calculated indica-tors as potential learning traces, our model provides a formalism for classifying the various indicators in the form of inheritance relationships, which promotes the reuse of indicators already calculated. Economically, the model can allow organi-zations with different learning platforms to invest only in one traces Management System. At the social level, it can allow a better sharing of trace databases be-tween the various research institutions in the field of CEHL.

Author Biographies

Bernabé Batchakui, National Advanced School of Engineering/UY1

Computer Engineering

Thomas Djotio, National Advanced School of Engineering/UY1

Computer Engineering

Ibrahim Moukouop, National Advanced School of Engineering/UY1

Compter Engineering

Alex Ndouna, National Advanced School of Engineering/UY1

Computer Engineering




How to Cite

Batchakui, B., Djotio, T., Moukouop, I., & Ndouna, A. (2021). Object-Based Trace Model for Automatic Indicator Computation in the Human Learning Environments. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 16(21), pp. 26–41. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v16i21.25033


