Vocabulary Acquisition Through Content and Language Integrated Learning





Content & Language Integrated Learning, English as a foreign language, Second Language Acquisition,, Vocabulary Acquisition, Cadet College Petaro.


Abstract―This study aims to attempt to the learning outcomes of the learners with a focus on Vocabulary Acquisition (VA), taught through CLIL (Content & Language Integrated Learning) as compared to the normal language teaching of EFL lessons.  Linguists have introduced several methods and trends in the field of language learning. CLIL is the most recent and most effective method that has gained widespread popularity and is widely used and implemented in Europe and other parts of the world. It is a dual-focused method of language teaching, especially in foreign or second language teaching with a focus on the content or the subject. This stresses language teaching through content, the learners are taught science, geography, history, or physics with a special focus on language structures simultaneously. By using a mixed Methodology, the experimental research method of pretest and post-test was applied to get the answer to the research questions of the study. The study aims to gain the level of VA among the learners through conducting the pretest and posttest research design. The outcomes would encourage assessing the learners through CLIL to achieve greater Vocabulary Acquisition than the EFL learners.

Author Biographies

Masood Akhtar Memon , Cadet College Petaro, Jamshoror, Hyderabad

Mr. Masood Akhtar Memon is an Assistant Professor, Department of English at Cadet College Petaro, Jamshoro-Hyderabad, Sindh. He received his M.Phil. from the Institute of English Language and Literature University of Sindh, Jamshoro. His areas of interest are Teaching and Learning English Language, CLIL, Applied Linguistics, and Critical Discourse Analysis. (E-mail: mamasoodmemon@gmail.com)

Abdul Malik Abbasi, Sindh Madressatul Islam University Karachi

Dr. Abdul Malik Abbasi is an Associate Professor-English who initiated the Department of English and BS English as Founding Chair coupled with Sindh Journal of Linguistics as a Founding Editor-in-Chief SMI University, Karachi. He received a Ph.D. (Linguistics) from UMT, Lahore & Split Ph.D. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA. Dr. Abbasi won national-international grants for the conduct of research in the field. Currently, he is conducting a study on ‘PaKEng Speech’ project (SRSP) funded by Sindh HEC at SMI University. (E-mail: amabbasi@smiu.edu.pk)

Salma Niazi, Jinnah University for Women Karachi

Ms. Salma Niazi is a Lecturer-English, Department of English at Jinnah University for Women, Karachi. She is enrolled in a Ph.D. & playing an important role as a research focal person at the university. She plans to work on ‘the Integration of instructional technology and its Effectiveness on Prospective Teachers’ in her doctoral research. Ms. Salma is passionate about the advancement of women in Pakistan and a dedicated Ph.D. fellow with research on innovative teaching & learning.

(E-mail: salmasaqib79@gmail.com)

Imtiaz Husain , Sindh Madressatul Islam University Karachi

Dr. Imtiaz Husain has a Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Karachi, Pakistan. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and Computing; his research focuses on the application of AI-based tools. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Sciences at SMIU, Karachi.  (E-mail: imtiaz@smiu.edu.pk)

Syeda Sarah Junaid , Jinnah University for Women Karachi

Ms. Syeda Sarah Junaid is a Lecturer-English Department at Jinnah University for Women, Karachi. Her areas of interest are English Language Teaching and Second Language Acquisition. Ms. Sarah worked on various research projects and presented papers at national & international conferences. She has also designed an English course for Legal Purposes. (E-mail: sarah1.junaid1@gmail.com)      




How to Cite

Memon, M. A., Abbasi, A. M., Niazi , S. ., Husain, I., & Syeda Sarah Junaid. (2023). Vocabulary Acquisition Through Content and Language Integrated Learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(12), pp. 142–157. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v18i12.39287


