A Virtual Reality Game to Promote the Role of a Healthy Diet in Male Reproduction





diet, learning, omega 3, reactive oxygen species, sperm quality, virtual reality


This paper presents gaming as an alternative way of transmitting information compared to traditional academic methods. New technologies provide an opportunity, and in particular, virtual reality gaming allows users to have an immersive, personifying, intuitive, and engaging experience useful in visualizing complex concepts. Questionnaires were administered to secondary school students to extrapolate relevant information regarding the role of diet on sperm quality following the experience of the virtual reality game “Oxistress.” This game allows participants to understand in a playful and recreational way how the presence of reactive oxygen species can damage spermatozoa and how adequate diet choices provide ammunition in the form of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to protect and repair spermatozoa. The results suggest that virtual reality (VR) may represent an important way to improve knowledge of scientific topics. Further studies will be necessary, involving larger populations with different basic knowledge as well as checks on whether the information acquired remains in memory after months.




How to Cite

Bolognesi, E., Moretti, E., Masini, M., Signorini, C., Santalucia, V., & Collodel, G. (2024). A Virtual Reality Game to Promote the Role of a Healthy Diet in Male Reproduction. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 19(06), pp. 52–64. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v19i06.48343


