Digital Competence of Secondary School Teachers in Hanoi, Vietnam: A Study Based on the DigCompEdu Model




DigCompEdu, digital competence, secondary school teachers, education, teacher training


Nowadays, technology poses significant challenges to education. Teaching tasks are closely linked to technology. Teachers use technology as a vital tool in teaching. Technology is constantly changing, requiring teachers to be continuously assessed for their digital competence to identify their strengths and weaknesses, thereby finding solutions to enhance their digital skills and meet the high learning demands of students. This study focuses on analyzing the digital competence of teachers currently teaching at secondary schools in Hanoi, Vietnam, using the DigComEdu model to measure teachers’ digital competence. The research sample consists of 445 teachers, indicating that the majority of teachers have digital competence at the B2 level, with the “Assessment” area of digital competence being the lowest. Interestingly, teachers under the age of 25 exhibit the lowest level of digital competence. The results gathered and analyzed concerning teachers’ digital competence, along with the conclusions drawn from this study, aim to develop teachers’ digital competence.

Author Biographies

Ngoc Son Pham,

Ph.D. Pham Ngoc Son is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Hanoi Metropolitan University. He holds a PhD degree in education in 2012 with the topic “Application of information and communication technology in teaching Chemistry in high schools”. His research focuses on the application of information technology in teaching innovation and management in educational institutions. He has published 22 reference books, and 3 textbooks and published many articles in scientific journals, and national and international scientific conferences. His recent studies are related to the educational innovation process in Vietnam and the application of technology in teaching, meeting the current requirements of digital transformation in education.

Hoang Yen Nguyen Thi,

Associate Professor Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen, former Vice Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, is one of the senior experts who has contributed significantly to the educational reform in Vietnam with numerous practical projects. Associate Professor Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen is a Member of the UNICEF Child Education Project. Professor Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen has lectured at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, participated in the Scholar Exchange Program at New York University, New York, USA, and has many years of experience in teacher training, policy research, and educational management.

Thi Quynh Vu,

Dr. Vu Thi Quynh is currently working at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National University. Dr. Vu Thi Quynh's research expertise lies in Education Management, and she has conducted numerous studies on school culture and management practices in universities, colleges, and high schools in Vietnam.




How to Cite

Pham, N. S., Nguyen Thi, H. Y., & Vu, T. Q. (2024). Digital Competence of Secondary School Teachers in Hanoi, Vietnam: A Study Based on the DigCompEdu Model. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 19(05), pp. 20–34.


