A Quantitative Study on Attitudes of Web-Based Mathematic Competition in Different Learning Stages students in Taiwan
Web-Based Mathematics Competition, Participator AttitudesAbstract
The study mainly investigates the studentsâ?? attitudes toward mathematic learning and web-based mathematic competition in different learning stages in Taiwan. This study was to conduct an online survey, which is driven by three issues: (1) What are the differences in mathematical learning attitudes with the web-based mathematics competition in the different learning stages (2) Is there any significant difference between studentsâ?? mathematical learning attitudes to take part in the web-based mathematics competition in the different learning stages? (3) Is there any correlation between studentsâ?? mathematical learning attitudes, the participatorsâ?? motivation and the attitudes of studentsâ?? took part in the web-based mathematics competition? The research targets of this study are 277 students, including 207(74.7%) boys and 70(25.3%) girls. The collected data of this study was analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Scheffeâ?? method and Pearsonâ??s product-moment correlation. Following are the results of the study: There is significant motivational difference between elementary school and junior high school students to participate the web-based mathematic competition and there are middle relationships between studentsâ?? mathematical learning attitudes, the participatorsâ?? motivation and the attitudes of studentsâ?? took part in the web-based mathematics competition.
How to Cite
Tso, T. C., Chiang, F. K., Lu, H. C., & Sun, C. S. (2008). A Quantitative Study on Attitudes of Web-Based Mathematic Competition in Different Learning Stages students in Taiwan. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 4(2), pp. 61–65. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v4i2.697