Analysing IoT Digital Education: Fostering Students’ Understanding and Digital Literacy




Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Educational Materials (DEMs), literacy skills, longitudinal method, digital literacy


This study aims to develop effective strategies for enhancing the digital skills of students specialising in information technology (IT). The study’s relevance is justified by the necessity to adjust educational methods to the dynamic development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital technologies in general. The object of the study is students at Astana IT University who are studying IT. The experimental group (EG) trains using IoT-integrated digital educational materials (DEMs), while the control group (CG) receives traditional training. Since existing research often omits the synergy between IoT and educational methods, creating a gap in understanding the effectiveness of integrated educational resources, this study applies research methodology, including literature analysis, experimentation, and statistical data analysis. The research results are verified using statistical methods such as the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and F-test. Analysing the mean scores in the experimental and CGs helps measure students’ progress in developing digital skills. The study aims to determine the effectiveness of IoT-integrated DEMs in enhancing students’ digital skills and to provide a comprehensive understanding of the influence of these educational approaches on IoT learning. The findings will significantly improve educational programs and methodologies in the IT domain in line with current technological advancements.

Author Biography

Alma Zakirova

“Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor




How to Cite

Tutkyshbayeva, S., & Zakirova, A. (2024). Analysing IoT Digital Education: Fostering Students’ Understanding and Digital Literacy. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 14(4), pp. 4–23.


