Critical Thinking and Digital Competence in College Students: A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Herberth Alexander Oliva Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Graciela Pérez-Morán Universidad católica Los Ángeles de Chimbote, Chimbote, Perú
  • Andrés Epifanía-Huerta Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
  • Liliana Temoche-Palacios Universidad católica Los Ángeles de Chimbote, Chimbote, Perú
  • Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú



Critical thinking, Competition, Digital learning


This research explores the intricate relationship between critical thinking and the cultivation of essential skills, competencies, and knowledge crucial for effective learning and digital fluency among university students. The backdrop of health emergencies has thrust students into unfamiliar terrain, necessitating the discernment of valuable information from the superfluous within the digital landscape. This study, specifically focusing on students enrolled at a university in northern Peru, adopts a non-experimental, correlational, and cross-sectional research design. The sample, selected through a non-probabilistic method, comprises 218 students. The survey instrument used encompasses 30 questions related to critical thinking and 25 questions concerning digital competence, each offering response options on a 4- to 5-point scale. A comprehensive analysis encompassed both the substantive and dialogic dimensions of critical thinking, and within digital competence, the dimensions included learning, informational, communicative, digital, and technological cultures. The findings underscore a remarkably high level of positive correlation between these variables (0.96). In summary, digital competence emerges as a complementary pillar that reinforces and fosters critical thinking within the realm of lifelong learning.

Author Biography

Orlando Iparraguirre-Villanueva, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú

Systems Engineer with a Master's Degree in Information Technology Management, PhD in Systems Engineering from Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal - Peru. ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service, Specialization in Business Continuity Management, Scrum Fundamentals Certification (SFC). National and international speaker/panelist (Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico). Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher in different universities in the country. Advisor and jury of thesis in different universities. Consultant in information technologies in public and private institutions. Coordinator, director in different private institutions. Specialist in software development, IoT, Business Intelligence, open source software, Augmented Reality, Machine Learning, text mining and virtual environments.




How to Cite

Alexander Oliva, H. ., Pérez-Morán, G., Epifanía-Huerta, A., Temoche-Palacios, L., & Iparraguirre-Villanueva, O. (2024). Critical Thinking and Digital Competence in College Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 14(2), pp. 92–99.


