The Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Model Using E-learning Media in Introduction to Information Technology Course
E-Learning, Flipped Classroom, Learning Outcomes, Effectiveness, Analysis Design Develop-ment Implementation and EvaluationAbstract
This study aimed to develop learning tools based on E-Learning in introductory information technology course. E-Learning, a web-based learning tool that uses classroom flipped learning models. The method used in this research was Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) with processed data sourced from 22 students. The effectiveness of this study was very effective because through the calculation of the Gain score it was found that the overall average value of students there was an improvement. The average increase in learning outcomes was 0.591949 with a moderate gain score acquisition criteria. Then, it was concluded that e-learning using the flipped classroom learning model was very helpful in introducing Infor-mation Technology and as an E-Learning guideline for other subjects.
How to Cite
Rahmelina, L., Firdian, F., Maulana, I. T., Aisyah, H., & Na‘am, J. (2019). The Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Model Using E-learning Media in Introduction to Information Technology Course. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(21), pp. 148–162.