Time Series Study of Problem Solving Ability of Tadulako University Students Using Metacognitive Skill Based Learning Model


  • Ijirana Ijirana Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University
  • Lukman Nadjamuddin Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University




MSBL model, problem solving ability, time series, stoichiometry, and chemical equilibrium


The data of students problem solving ability was acquired through given test both prior to and after the implementation of metacognitive skill-based learning model (MSBL model) for stoichiometry and chemical equilibrium materials. Problem solving skill was measured using four indicators, consist of; understanding problem, Devising, implementing the plan and evaluating result. The overall students problem solving ability are classically categorized as good in each time of measurement providing the number of students with high minimum category were fewer than 60%. The results indicate the improvement of student’s ability to understand, to plan, to implement, and to evaluate the problem solving result gradually from prior to stoichiometry study, after the stoichiometry study, prior to chemical equilibrium study and after the chemical equilibrium study. Therefore, the students of chemistry education require time to be able to solve problems well




How to Cite

Ijirana, I., & Nadjamuddin, L. (2019). Time Series Study of Problem Solving Ability of Tadulako University Students Using Metacognitive Skill Based Learning Model. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(21), pp. 227–234. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v14i21.11684


