Toward a Context-Aware Course-Planning Model in Pervasive Learning Environments




Pervasive learning, Adaptive learning, Context-aware, Learning styles, Content-based filtering


This article proposes a context-aware course-planning model for pervasive learning environments. The model considers learners’ preferences, including their learning styles, locations, activities, and devices. The model generates four-dimensional contexts based on these preferences, each dimension being a weighted vector of visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic (VARK) features. Using a content-based similarity algorithm, the model adapts the course content to each learner’s context. The courses are created in a sequence of rings, each containing all possible learning materials (LMs) that have the same content in different formats. Each LM is represented by a vector with weights like those of the learners’ context dimensions. The model generates all possible plans based on the predefined contexts of the learner, detects the learner’s actual context, and adapts the content accordingly. The goal of the model is to enable learners to learn what they want, in the way they prefer, and to complete courses efficiently, at any time, place, and during any activity, in the appropriate format.

Author Biographies

Mohamed Kosrane, MISC Laboratory, Abdelhamid Mehri Constantine 2 University, Algeria

My name is Mohamed Kosrane, and I am an assistant professor at Setif1 'Ferhat Abbas' University and a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science 'IFA' department at the Faculty of New Technologies of Information and Communication at Constantine 2 'Abdelhamid Mehri' University in Algeria. I am also a member of the MISC Laboratory. My research interests include e-learning, m-learning, and p-learning, machine and deep learning.


Mohamed Gharzouli, MISC Laboratory, Abdelhamid Mehri Constantine 2 University, Algeria

Mohamed Gharzouli is a full Professor in Department IFA, Faculty of New Technologies of Information and Communication, University Constantine 2, Algeria. He has completed PhD degree in Computer sciences from Mentouri University in september 2011. He received his habilitation qualifications (Accreditation to supervise research -HDR-) from Abdelhamid Mehri University in 2015. Mohamed Gharzouli has published many articles in International journals and conferences. He supervises many Master and License students. His research interests include Web services, Semantic Web, P2P Networks, Web Applications and Distributed systems.




How to Cite

Kosrane, M., & Gharzouli, M. (2023). Toward a Context-Aware Course-Planning Model in Pervasive Learning Environments. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(15), pp. 36–51.


